Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thankful in All Things

“When God gives you a 'no,' give Him a thank you.
He was protecting you from less than His best.” 

To be thankful for the here and now is an important lesson that I am learning.  I've been consciously reflecting on both the every day big and small things I have to be thankful for.  But what about those things that I didn't ask for and that don't seem to be blessings initially? How do I learn to be thankful for those as well? 

I think that a thankful response to the difficult things can come from trusting that I was created with a purpose and that God will work all things together for my good. His heart breaks for me when I go through the deep hurts.  Thankfully, it doesn't just end there; He uses those painful moments and circumstances to continue to weave together a beautiful story for my life and His glory.

I have already seen how "no's" can in the end bring about better things in my life than I could have imagined for myself.  I also know how difficult it can be to trust when I am in the middle of the storm and the answers I'm seeking are not the ones I'm receiving. I've soaked my pillow with the bitter tears of disappointment and I have angrily pleaded with God to fix what I firmly believed needed to be fixed.  In those moments I am thankful for God's grace and for His patience with my doubts and fears.
I am also learning that a heart humbled in gratitude can help conquer fear. When I say thank you for all that He has done in my life; I am replacing the worries with trusting that He is in control. When I offer gratitude in place of anxiety, calling to mind when God has brought me through in the past, it can act as an anchor and a reminder that I will reach the other side of this valley.

Even when I am unsure of the next step or my heart quells with the thoughts of "what if," I will pledge to be thankful. I will be grateful that I can be given wisdom when needed, sight to see what needs to be seen and courage to make the decisions that need to be made.

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