Sunday, March 17, 2013

Courage to Take the First Step

"If our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.
If our God is for us, then what could stand against."
~Our God, Chris Tomlin

Sometimes we let fear hold us back. We let it stop us from pursuing dreams, from trying something new, from letting ourselves love wholeheartedly, from stepping out in faith. We allow fear to keep us silent when we know we should speak.

Fear can keep us standing with fists closed tight instead of hands held open. But with our fists held closed we may not be allowing God to fill them with His blessings.

But if God is for us, then what do we have to fear?  "Who could ever stop us?"

I want to learn to truly walk by faith and not fear. I want to live expectantly of how God is working in my life. To live with heart and hands open.

This is a small step forward in that journey. I'm going to write here about anything and everything, from the silly things that make me smile during the day to what God is teaching me.

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