Monday, November 16, 2015

The Light Will Not Be Overcome

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it."
John 1:5

My son, my oldest — the one who tries to be brave and strong for me and often reminds me he’s almost double digits — he recently confessed that he's still afraid of the dark sometimes.

I understand him. Sometimes the darkness can seem scary to me too.

The headlines loom large on Friday. They shout of a world that seems to be coming undone at its seams. Shattered lives broken apart by evil, and people across the globe mourn. 
I understand that fear can take root if we let it.

I FB message back and forth with a girl who reminds me so much of myself. She types out fears. She has read that the danger is creeping closer to home and that scares her. I encourage her not to give into the fear, to remember we have hope. 

I understand her too though. If the headlines are our truth, then darkness is knocking on our door.

Yet this weekend as those who wear the mask of darkness take credit for instilling terror, I can still trace God's fingerprints and His Light.

I am reminded that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world, and that darkness does not have the last word.

As darkness settles in on Friday, I snuggle with my kids, pull them close, listen to their giggles and feel a love beyond words.  

I am reminded that there is still innocence and goodness, and that our God has a Father's love for us that is far greater than any other.

As darkness settles in on Saturday, I stand in a church full of believers as we raise our voices and prayers to the God who promises that nothing is wasted.

I am reminded that we are His hands and feet, His light to a hurting world. I am reminded that where two or more are gathered, He is there and there is power in prayer.

As darkness settles in on Sunday, I sit in a condo flooded with warmth and laughter, friendship and love, sharing stories and dinner. 

I am reminded that darkness and fear will not win when we hold onto hope, joy, each other and most importantly, our Savior. 

So each day as the sun goes down, I remember that there is nothing to fear because my hope is firmly set in the One who created the light. And light will not be overcome by darkness for He is the light of the world.

While the world may seem like it's falling apart, I put my faith in the One who I know holds it all together.

Lord, help us to be your light and love to a hurting, broken world. We lift up those who mourn, and we thank you that you are close to the brokenhearted. In Jesus' powerful name, Amen!


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